Words that Don't Go Together

We all slip up in our speech sometime, but the Bible often uses these pointed phrases to drive home a point. The Bible often takes words that don’t go together, and puts them together, to grab our attention and help us see the point more clearly. For example, Paul writes “I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live” in Galatians 2:20. The Gospels tell of “Virgin birth,” and Jesus says that “the first shall be last.” All of these phrases, even when brought into English, catch our ear and make us stop and examine them more closely to see just what is being claimed.
One of these phrases caught my when preaching through the Gospel of Matthew. In Matthew chapter 9 a synagogue official comes to Jesus because his daughter has passed away. This mans life has been interrupted in the worst way possible. Somehow he heard of this man Jesus who was teaching and healing and performing all sorts of miracles. In desperation he comes to him and pours out his heart.
While He was saying these things to them, a synagogue official came and bowed down before Him, and said, “My daughter has just died; but come and lay Your hand on her, and she will live.” Matthew 9:18
As he pours out his heart, he puts together two words that should never go together. “My daughter has died, but…” Those last two words don't fit together. Death is always the final word in any situation. As long as there is not death there is still hope for a recovery, for a miracle, for a healing. But death is the end of the sentence. Death is a period. There is no hope after death. But for this synagogue official there is.
“died, but”
He believed that with Christ that death was no longer the end. That those words that didn’t belong together could now live in harmony because of this man Jesus. He did things that should not be done, that defied nature and all common sense. He put a comma where there had only been a period before. Death was not the end of hope when Christ was there.
Christ came to her house and brought her back to life. A period was now just a comma, a pause, a dark night before the sun rose in the morning. As far as we know, this was just a temporary pause though. She went on and lived her life and died again someday. Physical death still comes for all of us.
If we are in Christ, though, physical death is not the end. If we are in Christ, our fellowship may end with our loved ones, but death marks the beginning of an eternity of fellowship with Jesus. Even for those that are left behind after the death of a loved one, we know that it is only a temporary parting if they are in the Lord. We will see them again on the other side of the river. Our parting is not eternal but temporary.
Of all the words that don't go together in the Bible, this phrase is the one that gets everyone’s attention. We all know that death comes for all of us one day, and that there is no escape. There is no way to avoid death it. Praise God that through Christ Jesus there is only a comma there, and not a period. Sorrow may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning.
This is the good news of the gospel. Words that don’t make sense together now do because of the death and resurrection of Jesus. Christ puts a comma where the world tells us to put a period. Because of our new life in Christ, we know that even though trials come, we can make it through. Even the worst the world can offer cannot stand before the power of a risen Christ.