Lessons from a book sale

I headed over to the religion section and
began fighting crowds to scan through. I
pulled out Lloyd-Jones, Piper, and Carson. Some classics like Murray, Edwards,
Calvin, and others can be found. What’s
most amazing to me at a book sale is not what you want to buy, it’s what you
don’t want to buy.
As I scanned the tables it was like looking
over the recent history of popular Christianity. I can ride the emergent wave or get a Bible
commentary by Jimmy Swaggart. There are piles of books that promise me to be
the next big thing. Learn how to capture the Zim Zum or Chazown, or how to have
your best life now. There are enough books about bettering your life to build a
house with. Not to mention all the books about prayer, leadership, and
intergrity from those men who were found to be acting in their own power, abusing
women, or stealing money.
You have to plow through for the good books,
you see. It’s understandable that the classics go fast. But their piles of
books that you can’t even give away, that end up going to the recycling. What can be learned from these books that are
called “life changing,” “must reads,” and “instant classics” that are then
quickly forgotten and good for nothing but scrap?
Beware of writing a man’s legacy before his
ministry is over.
What struck me the
most in the piles of books were the ones by people who left ministry in
disgrace. These men were often mega church pastors, held up as paragons of
excellence whose ministries we should emulate. They even sold us books with
their methods, promising that if we did what they did we would get what they
got. The problem is if we did what they were doing we would have ended up in
affairs, abusing our power, prideful, and out of ministry. I don’t have to name the names, you can fill
in the blanks yourself. Their books
about leadership, prayer, ministry, and more are reminders that while Man is
fascinated by the outward appearance, God looks at the heart. When our hearts are far from God, we will be
found out.
of books that promise a quick fix.
are so many titles that tell you how to better your prayer life, fix your
finances, or get that husband or wife.
If there is a part of your life you are unsatisfied with, there is book
about how to fix it. Almost all of them promise a quick fix. Nobody will pick
up a book that promises “40 years to a better you.” We want a 30 day fast, a 21 day challenge, or
a better yet a three day journey. But that’s not what the bible promises. The authentic christian life is a long
obedience in the same direction, like Peterson says. That’s not to say there isn’t value in the
short term, but the life that Jesus models for us is one of daily taking up our
cross, dying to our self, and getting up and doing it again the next day. All those prosperity books that promise
riches can now be bought for pennies on the dollar.
Beware the crashing waves of trends
few years another trends comes into evangelicalism that promises to be the next
thing to take over. Just in my twenty
years in ministry the next big thing has been promised again and again. There was postmodernism, Emergent, the emerging church, online church,
house churches, prosperity teaching, modern worship, more modern worship, and
so many more. Each one of these trends crashed on the shores of the church and
demanded to recognized. But not long behind it came another one and all the
waves before it were quickly forgotten.
There were so many books, journals, and endless blog posts analyzing all
these trends. But like all waves, they
made a loud crash and were soon forgotten. There are things that were discussed
decades ago that are still relevant today, things like prayer, evangelism,
fasting, meditation, and the other spiritual disciplines. The waves of trends
beat against the rocks of God’s word. They make quite a noise, but they can
never change it.
I’m always in favor of buying books, but we
have to be careful what we read. This is not a diatribe against new books,
rather it’s a warning against bad books.
The words we take in end up shaping our thoughts and habits. Let’s make
sure that we are not being shaped by books that we will soon be forgotten.
Let’s make sure we live our lives in such a way that someone will not shake
their head when they see our name someday.
Let’s dedicate our lives to following after God, for the long term, no
matter the cost. Read old books, read
new books too. But above all be shaped by God’s word.